Creswell Middle

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
Creswell Middle School Donations KJ069-VAR2 KJ069-VAR2 Creswell Middle School Donations We appreciate your consideration in supporting our school. Your donation will contribute to the success of our school community by allowing us to offer positive incentives for our students, motivate faculty & staff members, and assist with campus beautification projects. If you would like your donations earmarked for a specific project please feel free to indicate in the description box. :Creswell Middle VARIABLE Baloney,Dana N/A N/A N/A $0.00
New Replacement ID KJ069-33 KJ069-33 New Replacement ID Hard plastic replacement ID :Creswell Middle FIXED Baloney,Dana N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Registration Fee KJ069-88 KJ069-88 Registration Fee 2024-2025 Registration fees will cover student materials and electronic device insurance for student chrome books. :Creswell Middle FIXED Baloney,Dana All N/A N/A $25.00
Temporary ID KJ069-VAR1 KJ069-VAR1 Temporary ID Students that report to campus without their Permanent ID will be required to purchase a Temporary ID for $ 1.00. A Temporary ID is valid for one day use. Please include student's name in description during payment. :Creswell Middle VARIABLE Baloney,Dana N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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